Saturday, April 27, 2024

Club Event at Scenic View Country Club - Results

Fellow members,

Beautiful day, but a bit windy, at Scenic View on Saturday!

Results of the individual low net event are as follows:

1st Place  Phil Levin and Rick Binder           +2       $55 each
3rd Place  Rob Sweeney and Steve Jaeger      +3       $35 each 
5th Place  John Hirsch and Jeff Brandt         +4        $17.50 each
7th Place  Rich Saks, Bryan Olen and Nathan Valentine at +5 all receive $3.33 each!!!

There were 8 skins worth $14 each:
Rob Sweeney had 3 skins and Larry Dake, Doug Schafer, Phil Levin, Jeff Brandt and Darrell Frenzel each had one skin.

Link to Full Results

And a friendly reminder to keep up with the group in front of you or watch your pace of play and let's make sure the official score card is correct and easy to read!!

Thanks and we will see you soon,

Steve Wolter

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