Sunday, June 2, 2024

Club Event at Mee-Kwon Park Golf Course - Results

Alright boys,

Thank you Jeff Kapp for your help at the scorers table today!!

Beautiful day at Mee-Kwon. Some awesome scores!!

Winners of the Net Partners event were:
Tarantino/Scott Brandt      117 Pts     $80/team
Boulware/Sevener            112        $60
Kapp/Zwirlein          111             $40
Carini/Schreindl        109        $30
Frenzel/Sauceda           102          $20

Link to Full Results

There were 7 skins worth $12 each. Dominic Carini had 2 skins and Jeff Kapp, Jake Boulware, Doug Bowring, Scott Brandt and Steve Wolter had 1 skin each!!

Carini, Scott Brandt, Tarantino, Zwirlein, Boulware, and Sevener each finished under par net!! Nice rounds boys!!

Carini and Boulware each shot 75 gross and Scott Brandt and Wolter both shot 78 gross. Pretty good on the gross side of things!!

See all of you sometime soon!!

Steve Wolter

VP and Tourney Director

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