Saturday, May 25, 2024

Club Event at Currie Park Golf Course - Results

A beautiful day for golf!!

Thank you Jeff Camosy for handling my duties on Saturday!!!

And some good scores went along with the beautiful day. 3 golfers broke 80 scratch . . . Jake Boulware shot 77 and Brian Pederson and Dave Ullenberg each shot 79!! Great golfing boys!!

3 golfers also shot under par net . . . Briand Pederson was -4 net and Ken Collins and Rich Saks were -1 net!! Once again great scores!!

The event for the day was a flighted net event. We split the field in half and had an A Flight and a B Flight.

Winners of the A Flight:
Ken Collins       -1 Net      $45
Jake Boulware    +1          $30
Steve Jaeger, Dave Ullenberg and Mark Cuthbert each finished at +2 and will get $10 each!!

Winners of the B Flight:
Brian Pederson    -4 Net      $45
Rich Saks         -1          $30
Ben Sevener      Even par     $20  
John Hirsch       +1         $10

Good to see a new member, Ben Sevener, cash in his first event and good to see Kenny Collins back on the leaderboard!!

Congrats to all!!

There were 5 skins worth $23 each . . . Jake had 2 skins and Rob Sweeney, Henry Mayer and Mark Cuthbert had 1 skin each!!

Link to Full Results

Good day boys,

Steve Wolter

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