Sunday, May 5, 2024

Club Event at Ives Grove Golf Course - Results

Hello boys,

Nice day, a little windy and the course was a touch wet!! But all in all a good day.

There were a few really nice scores:

New member Dan Seiter shot -7 net and Doug Schafer shot -5 net. Only one golfer broke 80 gross, Mike O'Neil shot 79.

Jeff Camosy, John Hirsch and Scott Brandt all shot net under par scores also!!

The winners of the Net Stableford event are as follows:

Dan Seiter         42 points          $60
Doug Schafer      41 points          $50
Jeff Camosy       39 points           $35 
John Hirsch        39 points          $35 
Scott Brandt       38 points          $20 
Pete Tarantino, Bill Zolandz and Bryan Olen each had 35 points and will split $25.

Link to Full Results

There were 5 skins worth $21 each. Jeff Kapp had 2, and Mike O'Neil, Brian Pederson and Darrell Frenzel each had 1.

I want to thank all of you who help me with scoring at the events!! Thank you!!

Good day, good fun!!

Steve Wolter

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