Monday, May 1, 2017

4/29 Hawthorn Hills RESULTS

EVENT FORMAT: Individual Stroke Play - NET. Two flights: 'A Flight' (half the field with lower handicap indexes) and 'B Flight' (half the field with higher handicap indexes). 
EVENT PAYOUT: Paying out four lowest net scores in each of two flights (A flight and B Flight): $40, $30, $20 and $10 (payouts accumulate in club treasury and are paid out at end of season). 

A-Flight Payouts (held in Treasury)
Waldera, -2 ($40)
Cuthbert and Anderson, -1 ($25 each)
S. Brandt, Zwirlein, Levin and Saks, E ($2.50 each)

B-Flight Payouts (held in Treasury)
Pederson, -7 ($40)
Frenzel and Baker, -3 ($25 each)
Meyers ($10)

Skins (paid at course)
Pederson, hole 12 ($38)
Alba, hole 14 ($38)
Rivas, hole 15 ($38)

HONOR SCORES (no payout but good job done!)
Three overall low net
Pederson, -7
Frenzel and Baker, -3
Three overall low gross
Gardner, +3
Pederson, +7
Waldera, Levin and Kap, +9


Ruben Rivas, Hole 15 (par 5)

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